Last camp started   1 comment

Hard to believe the summer here is almost done. Still a busy week going on right now.

We spent 3 days up in the Low Tatra mountains with another missionary family, Charles and Janet Baldis. They are working with the poor Gypsy population. We had a nice day out with one of their core church families on Friday, then spent Saturday on a picnic and fun day up higher in the mountains. They made a big pot of Goulash and we played games, had a treasure hunt and sang lots of songs.

The bad news from the weekend is that a part on the van broke and it is taking a while to get it fixed. We had to take the train back to Bernolakovo on Sunday so we could start our English and sport camp here on Monday. The other downer is that I (Brian) came down with a bit of the flu and have been pushing through just to teach our morning lessons. I have missed both the first two days of afternoon fun and sports just trying to recover. Feeling better tonight and hope to be back a full strength tomorrow.

The camp here is run by the Word of Life group. It is pretty well organized and they have a lot of activities and materials that we can use for teaching the classes. Kelli and I have a combined class of 7-9 year olds (six kids there), then for the late morning we each have a class. Kelli has about 10 kids that are 10-12 years old and I have a dozen that are 13-15 years old. Each day has some Bible lessons as a combined group and we sing some praise songs. Then break up for teaching and games for the morning. All our kids are joining in on the games or helping out teaching the classes. But I can tell that all are anxious knowing that we will be on a plane heading for home in 9 days. Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers. We could not have survived the summer without you.

Posted August 9, 2011 by cornerslovakia in Uncategorized

One response to “Last camp started

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  1. Hard to believe the summer is almost over! Praying for lasting impacts for God in the lives of the people you’ve touched this summer

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